A big leap forward in the world of online retail
Stress E-commerce, Platform EDGE, Content Creation
Bridging the gap between Stress' premium new physical store and the outdated look and feel of the online store.

Stress was established in 1995 by two Norwegian entrepreneurs on a mission to supply Norwegian customers with international brands that weren't available on the local market at the time. Over the years Stress continued to grow and launched their first ecommerce store in 2003 and began shipping across all of Scandinavia.
In 2017 Stress decided to reinvent their brand to meet the ever increasing competition and launched a new physical store with more premium look and feel. The ecommerce store was however still lagging behind and sales had been diminishing over the years due to warehouse and stock integration issues.
Stress approached Panagora in early 2018 looking for an ecommerce partner to help grow the online store on existing and new markets, and help bridge the gap between the premium new physical store and the outdated look and feel of the online store.

We designed a new ecommerce shop based on the company’s 25 years of history in the street and hiphop sub culture, with visual references from the 90s.
We also took inspiration from the clean aesthetics of the new physical storefront in Norway, with special emphasis on a concept from the physical store known as “The Dark Room”. Essentially, during hyped product releases customers were lead down to an exclusive showroom in the store’s basement with an all black interior. We ripped this idea out of the physical world and had it re-built in the online store’s product release section.

We strongly recommend Panagora. If you’re looking for a proactive partner with excellent business acumen to help you reach your goals, and an easy-to-use platform with great performance and stability, Panagora’s the man!

We launched the new site in January 2019. That was 22 months ago from now (October 2020). Since then the site has continued to fuel the company's growth while establishing Stress as a trusted player to street wear fans across the globe. If we compare data from 22 months post launch with 22 months pre launch, the online store's growth is nothing but staggering!
Client Benefits
E-commerce Revenue
Unique Number of Purchases
New Customers & Sessions